RefPerSys (voir est un projet (en 2020
à 2022, bénévole) de recherches et un logiciel libre en
intelligence artificielle, inspiré par les travaux de feu Jacques Pitrat
(1934 - oct.2019). Voir la journée d'hommage
à J.Pitrat. Le lecteur est supposé capable de lire
Nous recherchons une source de financement possible (via
des applications), par exemple non-exhaustif (en 2021) via
l'Agence Nationale pour la
Recherche - en s'intégrant dans un montage de projet -, appel
axes §2.1 (sciences de base pour l'énergie), §2.2
(Une énergie durable, propre, sûre et efficace),
§3.8 Neurosciences intégratives et cognitives, §5.2
Intelligence Artificielle, §8.5 Mathématiques
et sciences du numérique pour la biologie et la santé, §8.6
Révolution numérique : rapports au savoir et à la
culture. Une autre possibilité serait de faire partie d' un
innovant collaboratif BPI France ou
HorizonEurope or ECS
collaboration tool ou CLAIRE. Veuillez alors contacter
Basile Starynkevitch
par courriel vers,
et diffuser cette page
RefPerSys (см. сайт свободное программное
обеспечение (ПСОК под лицензией GPLv3), для системы Linux/x86-64, в
области симболицеского искусственного интеллекта (рефлексы,
самоанализ, метазнание ...) по идеям Jacques Pitrat мы ищем
партнеров в контексте
это работа в стадии разработки. А также ищем потенциальных
приложений и пользователей. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь со мной,
(Василий Дмитриевич Старынкевич), который плохо читает и плохо
говорит по-русски, но свободно владеет английским и французским
языками. Jacques Pitrat был директором моего докторского жюри (в
области искусственного интеллекта) защищенного в 1990 году (в
Университете Paris 6).
RefPerSys (see is a free software
research artificial intelligence project and open source software
(work in progress) for Linux, inspired by the works of the late
Pitrat (1934 - oct.2019). See his blog on
and read his book Artificial Beings, the Conscience of a
Conscious Machine (ISBN 978-1848211018). We are looking for
potential applications, partnerships, collaboration and some
funding for working on this project. European R&D projects
and calls for proposals like ITEA3 or
HorizonEurope or ECS
collaboration tool or CLAIRE comes to mind. Contact Basile
Starynkevitch by email to (home).
An acronym for Reflexive Persistent System. This is an ambitious research project (still unfunded, in 2019 - 2022 it is a hobby project; also very risky!), done on spare time with an open science mindset and ethics.
We have in 2019 - 2022 a lot of ideas, and some code for Linux; in april 2021: 42KLOC measured by Wheeler's sloccount software. That code is on gitlab and preferably on and Done by passionate developers on their spare time. Volunteers wanted; please send an email (introducing yourself) to (near Paris, France, homepage here) and to for more.
The following persons are working (in 2019 - 2022) on RefPerSys on their spare time from their home and are the copyright owners of the embryonic software.
who | where | home page | role | |
Basile Starynkevitch (born in 1959, PhD in AI), resume here |
Bourg-la-Reine, France, Europe | or | | project leader and architect |
Abhishek Chakravarti | Kolkota, West Bengal, India | | and and |
software developer |
Nimesh Neema | Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India | | | software developer |
A draft document giving some design ideas is downloadable as refpersys-design.pdf. We are improving it in 2019-2022.
The currently temporary existing (in 2019 or 2021), on gitlab code base is a bit disappointing (since in summer 2020 most of it is still hand-coded by us, not yet generated), even to the Refpersys team. But we have a lot of fun doing it. It is constantly improving, publicly available, still unreleased, α-stage. We are aware of the replication crisis. We hope to generate most of RefPerSys C++ code in 2021. The external libraries used by RefPerSys may evolve with time, with the hope to provide some partial semi-formal description of their properties to the system. We are aware of Rice's theorem.
The major insight of RefPerSys is to generate most of (and hopefully all) its C++ or C code from higher level representations, based upon a cyclic graph of objects in virtual memory. That entire graph, called the persistent heap, is loaded at startup, and dumped at shutdown, from textual files (and later, external databases). It is garbage-collected.
The persistent heap contains immutable values and mutable
objects. Each value is practically speaking a 64 bits word, often a
pointer (which can refer to an object in memory, or to a small
memory zone holding some data, conceptually some tagged union).
Values are hashed and ordered, and are a The nil pointer
usually represents a missing value.
Immutable values include:
Most (but not all) objects are persistent (so reloaded at startup and dumped to disk or databases at shutdown).
An important feature of RefPerSys is meta-programming and code generation. During its runtime, the multi-threaded refpersys process should generate C++ or C code, compile that code into some shared library, then dlopen that generated shared object, and get function pointers inside it using then dlsym. See also the Program Library HOWTO, and the C++ dlopen mini HOWTO and the manydl.c example. Generated C++ code could be temporary or persistent (in that later case, it is version-controlled).
Another important feature of RefPerSys is introspection coupled with runtime profiling (see also time(7)...) which is reasonably possible in generated C++ code with the help of the garbage collector (explicit GC-ed call frames being singly-linked lists) and/or Ian Taylor's libbacktrace library and the dladdr(3) function. During its runtime, RefPerSys can inspect most of its call stacks. We later hope to use machine learning techniques on the profiling data and get some dynamic optimization, tailored to the concrete problems approached and actual applications of RefPerSys.
The insight of RefPerSys is to represent high-level expert system rules, fact bases and machine learning artefacts as collections of objects. The C++ (or C) generator should be described by meta-rules compiled by itself to C++ (or C) code. So we are taking a bootstrapping approach, first generating C++ or C) code by hand-written C++ (or C) code, then replacing some of it by generated C++ or C code from higher-level knowledge representations, then progressively and incrementally improving these representations by higher-level and more abstract constructs. This should be worked on in 2021.
In practice, RefPerSys requires some graphical user interface with autocompletion facilities, and displaying graphically small parts of its heap (perhaps as abstract syntax trees or nested boxes), inspired by the past Centaur system.. It is well known that GUI toolkits like Qt or FLTK are more easily used with C++ code generators, which are parts of RefPerSys. So we need to work a lot.
a rewrite in C effort started (for political reasons) in fall 2021. See code on
RefPerSys has been presented at a seminar organized by AFIA in Paris, on March 6th, 2020, dedicated to the memory of Jacques Pitrat, who died in october 2019. Contact Basile Starynkevitch for details. Slides are here in PDF. The video of the talk in French is here.
Please suggest by email to any AI conference, meeting, or workshop where this project could be presented.
The concept of the paper is good. However, the writing skill / style is not satisfactory.. That paper explains our roadmap and vision.
The RefPerSys software depends on many other common stuff, notably a recent GCC compiler (in practice, GCC 10 in summer 2021), for C++17 with its standard library, a recent Linux kernel and C standard library (e.g. GNU glibc or Musl Libc), the JsonCPP library (for persistence) and the Qt or soon FLTK graphical toolkit, and the Onion HTTP server library, the libbacktrace library. The GPP preprocessor is useful for some documentation. The AddressSanitizer facilities of GCC are sometimes useful.
A multi-core x86-64 Linux computer with more than 16Gbytes of RAM and at least 100Gbytes of free disk space is recommended. Qt is being replaced by FLTK, more friendly to RefPerSys garbage collector (since Qt, unlike FLTK, is creating threads without notice).
The GPLv3+ licensed
embryonic free software
source code of RefPerSys is on
We practically are using git as a
version control system, because we are very few
and sill don't understand well in 2019 or 2020 how a genuinely
version control system could play nice with a reflexive,
orthogonally persistent,
self-generating Quine
A daily snapshot (of the master git
branch) could be downloadable on refpersys-snapshot.tar.bz2. It is usually but
not always automatically generated every day, so could be broken or
very buggy. That bzip2 tar archive contains both source files, some
log files of build, and binary ELF
executable refpersys for
Linux/x86-64. It is made in good faith, but could be very buggy and
might do wrong things if you run that executable (daily built on
Debian/Sid/x86-64). So use the refpersys
executable in that snapshot, provided with no warranty, at
your own risk. For cyber-security
reasons, avoid running ./refpersys as
Use ./refpersys --help to understand the
program arguments and environment variables, if any (they would be
conventionally prefixed RPS_ or
REFPERSYS_, see environ(7) for more) that could be relevant.
It is preferable to download RefPerSys from and look into the active git branches, then to build it on your Linux computer. The build time with make could last one or a few minutes.
For non-technical reasons, RefPerSys is being rewritten in C in october 2021 to spring 2022. That software (GPLv3+) is downloadable from
A low-traffic forum hosted in France by FramaSoft (a non-profit association) is available on Please subscribe if interested. Be polite and civil there. Only for public technical discussion in written English about implementation, architecture, or running issues of RefPerSys, including building problems (so not for philosophical discussions about AGI or singularity). If you have issues in subscribing, contact by email. A typical message could have been this one. If you have built some RefPerSys executable and have tried to run it, that forum is the right place to ask help. Mention the output of the ./refpersys --version command in your message.
Thanks to Niklas Rozencrantz, a Slack channel for RefPerSys exists on
The RefPerSys project needs more volunteers to actively contribute to it, and welcome any person having tried to build and run it (even some intern student in programming, if he/she is willing to contribute). At last, some team members are severely under-equiped and would welcome any 4 to 16 cores x86-64, Linux capable, working, PC with 32 gigabytes of RAM and at least a 240 Gb SSD disk. Sponsorship for traveling costs could also be welcome, to facilitate face to face meetings. Opportunities to present this project in face to face meetings are desired, and more generally a limited funding is welcome (but we have no legal organization for that in 2021). Mention potential relevant funding opportunities (e.g. HorizonEurope calls) or any technical issues in building or running it to us by email. Contact for more.
If you want to contribute to this RefPerSys project, please compile it, and send the output of ./refpersys --version by email (in written English, UTF-8 encoded, HTML5 formatted) to and to Do introduce yourself (give your geographical location and country, education, experience in programming on Linux, past open source projects you contributed to, approximate age, and motivations) and explain the applications you have in mind, etc... Feel free to also give a mobile phone number.
The RefPerSys project welcome potential future applications (if in return they provide some sponsorship, contributions, or funding). Since it can be viewed as a high-level declarative programming environment based upon a metaprogramming and at end of 2021 some machine learning techniques, we believe it may become useful... However, the priority in 2021 is to generate most (hopefully all) of the C++ code of the RefPerSys system. Contact
Of course, any real-world potential concrete application of RefPerSys (e.g. health sector, smart cities, smart grids, smart web, perhaps robot planning, civilian autonomous vehicles or drones, etc....) would require some support and a little bit of funding. We all are excited by this project, and we all want to have some read-world application for it and expect such applications to fund partly our research work.
An incomplete list of future applications (assuming a budget of a few hundreds k€ or US$ and close cooperation with other software developers and domain specific experts during a few years, with computer access to some industry or domain-specific open data or proprietary data or communication in open format) might include:
It could happen (contact by email and that the following European calls (see this) could be relevant (if my employer allows it) for using and deploying RefPerSys (with of course a lot of efforts, to be funded!):
computational modelling and/or artificial intelligence tools is encouraged for the analysis of big, complex and heterogeneous datarelated to assisting health professionals in
preventing the transition from mental health to mental illness
clinical guidelines, best practices, implementation strategies and policy recommendations to mitigate the mental health burden and help cope with the (combined) effects of a transforming Europe
Trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) tools to predict the riskof chronic non-communicable diseases and/or their progression
Integrate state-of-the-art knowledge and data from suitable human studies to identify actionable factors linking chronic systemic and/or local inflammation to the health-to-disease transition.
Be aware that any technical documentation will be produced (probably) using the LaTeX preparation system (and explicitly not any Microsoft Word processor) in PDF format.
It could happen (contact by email that the following European calls (see this) could be relevant (if my employer allows it) for using and deploying RefPerSys (with of course a lot of efforts, to be funded!):
Protection of fundamental rights and European public values from possible threats of unregulated use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big dataand/or (with NLP techniques) for
Examination of established legislation, non-regulatory measures and potential digital governance resistance to accelerated digitisation and effectiveness of monitoring and control protocolsand/or
Innovative uses of AI and big data to enhance citizen engagement and democracy.
Analyse how recent transformations in journalism and media technology have affected individuals and communities concerning participation and democratic discourses(using NLP and knowledge base techniques)
Understand the changes wrought on democratic processes by new technologiesand
Enhance capacities for digital citizenship(thru some semi-automated semantic network)
The role of perceptions, formed by traditions, values and beliefs, in shaping European societies and politics in 21st centurywhere RefPerSys could contribute to model,
identify and examine the factors that influence and change people’s perceptions of the European project over time, under different geographical, political or socio-economic circumstances.
platforms and develop courses for vocational training,methodologies, curricula and entrepreneurship skills to create jobs and revive enterprises, where tradition meets the future
New knowledge on the needs and developments of the European filmmaking industry, including its various sub-sectors of pre-production, production, post-production and distributionwith help from the filmmaking artistic community
expert systemdescribing actual device and how to optimize their interconnections.
expert systemplanning the high-level actions of a robot (designed and perhaps simulated by partners)
expert systemwith knowledge about properties of nanomaterials provided by partners
expert systemdriving complex quantum-algorithms developed by partners.
expert systemdriving and controlling the open testing of quantum devices and related expertise provided by partners.
see here for details.
Contact by email
Be aware that any technical documentation will be produced (probably) using the LaTeX preparation system (and explicitly not any Microsoft Word processor) in PDF format.
We are aware that there is no silver bullet and RefPerSys is a software tool only. If interested by submitting a proposal on HORIZON-CL2-HERITAGE or smart networks and services joint undertaking calls, please contact by email
Please contact to suggest related projects, and have an hyperlink to them. We would appreciate a reverse link.
Several research questions are unanswered, including:
forgetsome data (opposite of memoization) and code
You can help the RefPerSys project by emailing with your first and last or family name, email, geographical location, then: